Tuesday, July 2, 2013

planetary lake lander ... gigapans .. timemachine ..

Lately I've been spending some time creating gigapans, movies, and even a timemachine with the data we have so far from the Planetary Lake Lander project.

All these images are of a lake Laguna Negra in the high Andes near Santiago, Chile.  NASA and SETI are working together to study the climate change in that area and also collecting data to help design a possible future NASA mission to Titan.

I just wanted to compile everything in one spot to make it easier for the science and engineering team to find.

Some select higher resolution Gigapans (our default Gigapans are 3x11 images but while we were in the field we took some higher resolutions ones for our enjoyment)

Youtube videos of timelapse:
Updated video (12/12/2012 -7/2/2013)

Original video (2/2012-6/2013)

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