Wednesday, June 5, 2013

a little bit about me

I've never been big into reading or writing blog, but lately I've been feeling that it would be nice to have one space where I can collect all my thoughts/experiences/interests.  As of now the target audience for this blog is just me and so please excuse me if it is super boring :).

Quick facts about me:
  • I grew up in the San Fernando Valley and now live in the Silicon Valley so, yes .. I am a valley girl for life.. like totally.
  • Received my Bachelor's (2000) and Master's (2001) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.  My area of focus was Mechatronics aka Robotics (218 alum.)
  • Currently work as the lead hardware engineer at NASA Ames Research Center in the Intelligent Robotics Group.
  • Dogs! I have two hilarious rescues, Bobby and Sammy.
  • Started taking ballet at Western Ballet in Mountain View, CA about 2 years ago and love love love it!   
  • Gardening.. currently have a booming homemade planter's bed with lots of veggies and fruit, and lots of fruit trees (persimmon, lemon, pomegranate, pluot, and tangerine)
  • and of course ... Robots, Space, and all things tech.
Other ways to see what I've been up to:

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